
Vitamin D may play into blood pressure, hypertension issues, claims new research

Low levels of vitamin D could play a factor in blood pressure and related health issues, according to a new research report published in the journal The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.

Judy Mottl, Tech Times, Jun 27, 2014

In the study researchers investigated the use of vitamin D and the causal effect on blood pressure and hypertension. They report that for each 10 percent increase in vitamin D concentration there appeared to be a drop is diastolic blood pressure as well as systeolic blood pressure and an 8.1 percent decreased odds of hypertension.

"In view of the costs and side effects associated with antihypertensive drugs, the potential to prevent or reduce blood pressure and therefore the risk of hypertension with vitamin D is very attractive," states study leader Professor Elina Hyppönen from the University of South Australia.

The findings, say researchers, illustrates the need for further investigation and research between vitamin D levels and hypertension.

"Overall, our study provides genetic evidence that increased 25(OH)D [vitamin D] concentrations are causally associated with reduced blood pressure and hypertension risk (panel). If replicated in an independent, similarly powered study, these findings will strengthen the case for appropriately powered, well-designed randomized clinical trials to investigate the necessary vitamin D doses and appropriate target groups for the prevention or treatment of hypertension," states the study.

The latest research comes on the heels of research made public two weeks ago. As reported by Tech Times low levels of vitamin D could mean twice the risk of premature death.

That research effort involved data from 32 studies published between 1966 and 2013. It was led Cedric Garland, DrPH, from the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. Garland states that two-thirds of the U.S. population suffers from low vitamin D levels.

"Three years ago, the Institute of Medicine concluded that having a too-low blood level of vitamin D was hazardous," Garland said in a press statement. "This study supports that conclusion, but goes one step further. This new finding is based on the association of low vitamin D with risk of premature death from all causes, not just bone diseases."

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