
Pumpkin-Flavored Drinks contain Excessive Sugar, and no Natural Pumpkin Elements

About $300 million worth of pumpkin-flavored products are consumed by Americans every year, few of which contain any actual pumpkin.

Sophia Turner, Uncover California, Sep 18, 2014

The Pumpkin-Flavor Season begins in September and ends in November. Doctors are, however, not happy with the pumpkin season coming back because pumpkin-flavored products, according to them, contain excessive sugars and no natural pumpkin elements.

After the summer equinox, consumers see a variety of foods and other products made from seasonal ingredient. As per recommendations of the World health Organization, adults should not consume more than 25 grams of sugar per day. One pumpkin latte is more than enough to cross that limit and adding whipped cream in the drink makes it even worse.

Pumpkin is a famous fruit across America and most of the pumpkin-flavored products are sold between the months of September and November, which is its peak season. Nutritionists said that pumpkin spice lattes - sold by Starbucks from August to October - are thought to be beneficial for people who need fiber and vitamins. However, it is not going to offer any health benefit when there is no natural pumpkin in the drink.

Nearly every pumpkin-flavored product available in the market from July lacks natural pumpkin elements, said doctors.

Joyce Hanna, a nutrition expert and associate director of the Health Improvement Program at Stanford University, said 37 grams of sugar is present in the popular 12-oz size Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. And it must be noted that the drink has that amount of sugar without fat milk and whip.

Doctors suggest that people should go in for home made versions of Pumpkin drinks so as to keep them as natural as possible and free from extra calories and sugar.

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