
The parasite found in some raw, undercooked fish can cause severe gastrointestinal issues

A worm that lives in raw and undercooked fish is causing people to develop anisakiasis, a stomach infection that can cause nausea, gastrointestinal pain, vomiting and fever.

Darla Guillen, Chron, May 16, 2017

In one case, a 32-year-old man developed severe symptoms that resolved after a worm attached to his gut was removed.

"A previously healthy man was admitted with severe epigastric pain, vomiting and low-grade fever since the previous week. After a careful interview, he revealed that he recently ate sushi," the study reported, explaining that a "filiform parasite firmly attached" to a swollen part of his abdomen. "The larva was removed with a Roth net and the patient's symptoms resolved immediately."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends freezing fish for several days or cooking to an internal temperature of at least 145 degrees F. Well-trained sushi chefs can typically see and remove the parasite when preparing the fish.

"Anisakiasis is most commonly found in areas where eating raw fish is popular, such as Japan," the CDC's site shares. "However, since eating undercooked fish is becoming more common, there have been cases seen in the United States, Europe, South America, and other areas of the world. Anyone who eats undercooked or raw fish or squid is at risk."

The CDC also explained that some people can extract the worm themselves.

"Some people experience a tingling sensation after or while eating raw or undercooked fish or squid. This is actually the worm moving in the mouth or throat," the center's site reads. "These people can often extract the worm manually from their mouth or cough up the worm and prevent infection. Also, some people experience vomiting as a symptom and this can often expel the worm from the body."

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