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DEA to State License Cross Reference

With the currently evolving regulatory environment in the healthcare industry, timely access to both physician DEA and state license numbers is not simply a productivity enhancement - it can be a requirement.

Unfortunately the federal government and the various state medical boards do not have cross reference data available.

To solve this problem for our customers, DEA has developed a series of federal physician DEA number to state license number cross reference files.

About the Cross Reference Files
We have built cross reference files which match as many as 90% of federal DEA numbers to their respective physician state license numbers.

Cross reference data files can be as little as 2 columns [DEA and State License], or they can include whatever assortment of available columns from the DEA as well as particular state license databases are available.

Data Subscription/Delivery Options
Subscriptions for data can be either quarterly or monthly. Data can be provided on a CD, through a secure FTP download, or in some cases via Email.

The data format is flexible, and can be XML, delimited text with your choice of delimiter, or even via spreadsheet in some cases.

Batch Processing
Batch processing is often more cost effective for small to medium sized projects. Turnaround time for batch processing can be as little as one business day depending on the size and scope of the project.

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DEA to Florida Cross Reference Example
Example 1: Physician DEA to Florida state license number.

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